“Why Are You Leaving Your Current Job?” How to Answer

“Why are you leaving your current job?” is a question you could face during a job interview. It’s expected to be anxious when answering this question because it can provide plenty of information about your attitude and work history. In this blog post, we’ll look at what interviewers are looking for, why it’s essential to stay positive, positive reasons to leave a job, and practical answer structuring.

What Does the Interviewer Want to Find Out?

Interviewers seek information about your motivations, values, and work ethic when they ask why you are leaving your current position. They want to know if you approach career decisions thoughtfully and if you have good reasons for wanting a change. By asking this question, they can assess your compatibility with their company and your likelihood of long-term commitment.

Positive Reasons to Resign from a Job

Of course, for various situations, here are ten possible answers to the question, “Why are you leaving your current job?” Every response is written to remain upbeat and future-focused.

1. Seeking Growth: “I’ve had a great time working on the projects at my current company and getting to know the people there. I’ve enjoyed my time there. But I’m searching for more chances to advance in leadership and responsibility, which I think this new role can provide and is essential to my professional journey.”

2. The Need for New Challenges: “I’m thankful for the security and experience my current position offers. However, I’m a person who enjoys taking on new challenges and discovering fresh sides of the field. I’m excited about this new role because of your creative work and the possibility for me to make new, important contributions.”

3. Matching Professional and Personal Objectives: “Since my current position has been fulfilling, I’ve concluded that my passion is in a different area. Your company focuses on the environment, and I am excited to match my career path more closely with my interests in the same field. This change is a step toward both professional and personal fulfilment.”

4. Relocation: “I have to change jobs because I am moving for family reasons. I’ve been picky about the jobs I apply for in the new area, seeking employers who value the standards and the ability of work I’ve come to expect. Your organization is exceptional in that regard.”

5. Company Restructuring: “My role and the main focus of our work have changed due to the major restructuring my current company is undergoing. I’m searching for a position that allows me to carry on working in my field of expertise and passion, which is exactly what your company offers.”

6. Seeking a Long-Term Opportunity: “I’m searching for a permanent role to contribute to the company in the long run, following many short-term contracts. This role particularly appeals to me because it provides a dedicated work environment and a clear path for progress.”

7. Career Advancement: “While I’m proud of what I’ve done in my current position, the company’s size limits how far I can go. The chance to take on a more responsible role at a larger company with more opportunities for career advancement excites me.”

8. Looking for a Better Fit: “I’ve realized over time that my values and career goals are incompatible with the direction my company is currently taking. I think your company offers the environment I’m looking for—one that better fits my work style and allows me to contribute more successfully.”

9. Professional Development: “I’ve achieved as much as possible in my current role, but I’m interested in continuing to grow professionally. I can’t wait to progress my career and skills with your company’s training programs and dedication to professional development.”

10. Industry Change: “While I’ve learned a lot in my current industry, I’m hoping to move to [new industry], as it has always been a passion of mine. I am excited to put my skills to use in this new setting, and I think your company’s reputation for excellence and innovation makes it the ideal place for this transition.”

All of these responses are meant to be genuine and positive, avoiding demeaning the present employer and putting a focus on plans and professional development.

Why It’s Important to Avoid Negativity? 

If you had a bad experience, you must avoid opposing your present or previous employer. A negative attitude can give a wrong impression of your professionalism and attitude. When discussing your reasons for quitting a job, always be encouraging and positive.

How to Prepare Your Response

It is essential to respond to the question understandably and briefly. To adequately structure your response, follow these steps:

1. Write Down Your Reasons in Writing: Before the interview, list why you’re looking for a job change. This will assist you in structuring your ideas and coming up with a thoughtful answer.

2. Get Right to the Point: State the primary justification for quitting simply to start your response. This will answer the interviewer’s question immediately while creating a positive tone for the conversation.

3. Be Truthful in Your Response: Being truthful is just as important as providing a positive explanation for your position. It’s essential to be truthful about the reasons behind your job search because any differences could cause nervousness.

4. Show Off a Positive Attitude: Be positive and energetic throughout your answer. Stress how your decision to leave is motivated by your need to grow personally and professionally and how it fits your long-term career goals.

5. Be Prepared to Answer Further Questions: Remember that the interviewer might follow up with more inquiries about your answer. Prepare to expand on your justifications, offering specific situations and showcasing your dedication to achievement.


In conclusion, it’s essential to maintain a positive attitude and future-focused approach when asked, “Why are you leaving your current job?” during an interview. Explain your reasons for seeking long-term stability, new challenges, growth opportunities, or position with your values. Stay clear of any negative comments regarding previous employers and respond clearly, straightforwardly, pointing out your forward-thinking attitude. TDS Group’s Training and Development Services provide extensive programs to help you communicate effectively during interviews if you want to improve your communication skills. Additionally, TDS Group’s Recruitment Services can help you find positions that fit your values and career goals if you’re looking for new opportunities.


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